Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Got toddlers at home? Need to keep them busy indoors? Luckily, we're all in the same boat- so believe us when we tell you we know how you feel! Here are 8 really simple indoor activities for toddlers for you to download, share, print, stick to your fridge door- just have it on hand when you're stuck for a simple activity to save your sanity!

Indoor Activities for


1. Daytime bathtime

Routine might be out of the window right now,  but even if you are sticking to a timetable, a daytime bathtime can actually be a really great way to get some light relief. Wrap them up in a soft bamboo character towel afterwards for super snuggly cuddles!

  • Bring dollies to the tub to give them a bath- little ones will love using a handsfree towel like mum
  • explore sinking and floating
  • sing songs and rhymes or play music to relax
  • practise gross motor skills by pouring and measuring water

2. Build a den

Use cushions, blankets, towels and sheets to build a den for story time, time out or just a new place to do a jigsaw puzzle. 

3. Cutting and sticking

Fine motor skills are put to the test by using scissors to cut different shapes- and most toddlers love to stick with glue! Sort scrap paper (old magazines, birthday/ Christmas cards/ cereal boxes etc) into groups according to colour and create a collage rainbow. Or just cut and stick- a hugely therapeutic activity once you get going.

4. Move!

It can't have escaped your notice. Our friend Joe Wicks, AKA The Body Coach has been hosting live PE lessons every morning at 9am in an effort to get the nation moving whilst we're stuck indoors. If you fancy something a little more gentle, tune in to Cosmic Yoga instead. Failing that, put your favourite music on and just dance- an excellent way to boost endorphins!

5. Go to the movies

Kids love recreating a cinema experience at home. Draw the curtains, grab some snacks and have a quiet hour or two.

6. Washing Up

Water play is an excellent learning opportunity but who says it can't be useful too? Make sure heavy, sharp and breakable items are out of reach and let them wash up for you. Everyone's a winner with this activity!

7. Build a road

If you have a cereal box or cardboard box you're not using, open it out carefully and use marker pen to create a road. Zoom cars along and see who can get to teh finish car the quickest!

8. Spring clean

See number 6. If you have a toddler who likes to help, what better time to have a spring clean?


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